
Here’s the point in the weaving where I start to prematurely jump up and down and say to myself “I’m done! I’m done!” and announce to everyone around, “look, I’m done!,” when we all know perfectly well that I have one more weaving session ahead of me to complete this piece.

Above you can see the blanket from above and below the front beam and also see what the back looks like. This one has come together pretty efficiently, given that it’s had to fit in between everything else that is happening in my studio, home and professional life. I’m pleased with it and can’t wait to get the last few inches woven, hemmed, off the loom and into the bath. That will give me a better sense of the cloth in its finished state. I’m expecting to be done tomorrow evening, meaning that this blanket will be done just in time for Saturday’s monthly Studio Place Arts Art Social.

If you’d like to stop by the studio to see it in person, please join me on Saturday at any point between 4 and 5:30PM. This will be an opportunity to view the three new gallery shows at SPA and some of the resident artists will open their doors for visitors to pop in and see what they’re working on. If you’d like to stop in sometime, but aren’t really feeling like doing it during a public event, please let me know and I’ll be in touch with what hours I’ll be in the studio.